PayPocket allows mobile merchants to accept credit card and electronic check payments anywhere and not lose a sale. PayPocket is available for merchants in the US and Puerto Rico.
Swiped rates are achieved with our mobile swiper or you can easily enter transactions manually. PayTech also includes a free Virtual Terminal account once you sign up for PayPocket, so if your phone or iPad has problems you can always get paid through your laptop.
We understand small business and its challenges, we want to make it easy for you to always make the sale and get paid on it.
Full online reporting is always available 24/7/365 for your benefit. Also, when making a sale, your business name will be the one that shows up on your customers statement not a third party name that can confuse your clientele and produce chargebacks this way the money also gets to you in 24 hours and not days.
Download PayPocket today and email us at [email protected] to activate your processing account or fill out our pre-application at